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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ebola screening introduced at NZ airports

Screening measures are being introduced at New Zealand airports following the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.
The Ministry of Health says while the risk of any cases of Ebola in New Zealand remains very low, health and border authorities are prepared.
Deputy Director of Public Health Dr Fran McGrath says from today, anyone arriving in New Zealand who in the last three weeks has visited West African countries affected by the Ebola outbreak will be screened for symptoms of the disease and where necessary receive a health assessment.
These passengers will also be given information about the symptoms of Ebola and advised on how they can seek help in New Zealand if they become unwell.
The changes are in line with similar targeted screening measures in Australia, although unlike Australia, New Zealand has no direct flights from Africa.
The Ministry says local and international expert advice is that Ebola would be well contained in countries with health services like those in New Zealand.
It says isolation facilities and existing infection control protocols in New Zealand hospitals are adequate for treating an imported case, but samples would have to be sent to a high security reference laboratory overseas for testing.
The Ebola outbreak, the largest and longest ever recorded for the disease, has so far killed more than 950 people. It emerged in Guinea in March and has since spread to Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.
The Ministry is warning New Zealanders to carefully consider the need to travel to these West African countries.

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