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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ebola virus outbreak: What does the Bible Say?

The main stream media is in a low-key about the extent of the Ebola virus outbreak. Governments around the world do not express their concerns and worries in front of the media, but they are preparing for the worst.
Ebola death toll tops 900, and the virus keeps spreading around the world. Nigeria confirmed two deaths and five new cases. Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia claimed 932 deaths. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia also investigates on the suspicious death of a man who travelled through West Africa.
The World Health Organization has declared this the worst Ebola outbreak in history. A possible pandemic approaches that would affect all the nations of the earth if it goes uncontrolled.
What the Bible say about the Ebola virus outbreak?
“I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:8 NIV
…and there shall be famines, and pestilences …
(Matthew 24:7)
The bible is clear about the coming pestilences, diseases, or plaques. It is even stated in revelation that 1/4 of the earth’s population would be destroyed. Why Ebola has the power to kill millions?
1. Ebola is the closest thing to real-life zombie infections
“Haemorrhaging symptoms begin 4 – 5 days after onset, which includes hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, bleeding gums, oral/lip ulceration, hematemesis, melena, hematuria, epistaxis, and vaginal bleeding,” reports the Pathogen Safety Data Sheet from the Public Health Agency of Canada. (8) That same publication also explains, “There are no known antiviral treatments available for human infections.”
2. There are no known antiviral treatments available for human infections
The FDA of the United States just approved Ebola virus test but vaccine will probably take until 2015.
3. Travel can spread the virus
Air travel creates the “perfect storm” for Ebola to devastate humanity. It all starts with these irrefutable facts about air travel:
1) All passengers are confined to the same enclosed space.
2) All passengers are breathing THE SAME AIR.
3) Ebola can become airborne via very small particles in the air, and just a single Ebola virus riding on a dust particle is sufficient to infect a human being (see below).
4) Following the flight, infected passengers then intermingle with thousands of other people at the airport, each doing to a different unique destination somewhere else across the country or around the world.
5) The speed of air travel vastly out-paces the speed of governments being able to deploy infectious disease prevention teams.
Everybody hopes that the Ebola virus will not be one of the pestilences that the bible mentioned about. Here’s the current map of the spread of Ebola virus.

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