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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Irish health officials probe suspected Ebola death: Man dies after returning from Sierra Leone outbreak zone Read more:

  • Dessie Quinn, 43, from Mountcharles, Co Donegal died yesterday morning
  • According to sources Mr Quinn was being treated for suspected malaria
  • Mr Quinn had been working in Sierra Leone for a telecommunications firm
  • It is understood he returned to Ireland last week and complained of illness 
  • His body is being quarantined at Letterkenny General Hospital in Co Donegal
  • Public Health officials hope to have test results back later today 
  • Victims can contract Ebola between two and 21 days after exposure
  • Irish government awaiting test results before holding emergency meetings
  • Scroll down for video 
Dessie Quinn, 43, died yesterday in Mountcharles, Co Donegal in the Irish Republic after recently returning from Freetown, Sierra Leone
Dessie Quinn, 43, died yesterday in Mountcharles, Co Donegal in the Irish Republic after recently returning from Freetown, Sierra Leone
The body of an Irish man who returned from Sierra Leone earlier this month is being tested to see if he died from Ebola. 
Dessie Quinn, 43, from Mountcharles, Co Donegal was found dead yesterday morning after he went to bed last night complaining of 'flu-like' symptoms.
Mr Quinn had recently been working in Freetown, Sierra Leone for a telecommunications company. 
It is understood that he returned home on holiday one week ago. 
Public health officials have tested blood samples from Mr Quinn and they hope to discover whether he contracted Ebola later today.
The Irish government is awaiting the results of the tests before holding an emergency meeting. 
A spokesperson for the Irish Health Service Executive said: 'Tests being carried out on deceased person recently returned from Africa. 
'The HSE is currently assessing a suspected case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Donegal. 
'The public health department was made aware earlier today of the remains of an individual, discovered early this morning, who had recently travelled to the one of the areas in Africa affected by the current Ebola virus disease outbreak. 
'The appropriate national guidelines, in line with international best practice, are being followed by the public health team dealing with the situation. This means that the body of the deceased has been isolated to minimise the potential spread of any possible virus. 
'Blood samples have been sent for laboratory testing to confirm whether or not this individual had contracted Ebola virus disease. 
'Until a diagnosis is confirmed, and as a precautionary measure, the individual's remains will stay in the mortuary pending the laboratory results.
'The risk of transmission of any disease is considered to be extremely low. As a precautionary measure, appropriate infection control procedures are being put in place in the community and at the mortuary pending the outcome of laboratory tests.'
The US Center for Disease Control has released a map showing the prevalence of Ebola in Sierra Leone 
The US Center for Disease Control has released a map showing the prevalence of Ebola in Sierra Leone 
Dr Darina O'Flanagan of the Health Protection Surveillance Centre said: 'In general, the risk of contracting Ebola virus disease is extremely low and would involve very close personal contact with the infected individual or their body fluids for there to be any risk at all.
'We await the outcome of the laboratory tests before we will know whether or not this individual had contracted Ebola virus disease. The appropriate public health guidelines are being followed at every stage in this process as a precaution.' 
According to Irish public health officials: 'After two days and up to 21 days following exposure to the virus the disease may start suddenly with fever, muscle aches, weakness, headache and sore throat. The next stage of the disease is characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash and failure of the liver and kidneys. Some patients also have heavy internal and external bleeding and multi-organ failure.'
Mr Quinn had been working in Freetown, Sierra Leone, inset before returning to his parents' home in Mountcharles Co Donegal. His body is currently being held Letterkenny where it is undergoing tests
Mr Quinn had been working in Freetown, Sierra Leone, inset before returning to his parents' home in Mountcharles Co Donegal. His body is currently being held Letterkenny where it is undergoing tests
Mr Quinn returned to his parents home in Mountcharles, Co Donegal where he died after complaining of fever 
Mr Quinn returned to his parents home in Mountcharles, Co Donegal where he died after complaining of fever 
Public health officials confirmed that Mr Quinn was taken to Letterkenny General Hospital, pictured 
Public health officials confirmed that Mr Quinn was taken to Letterkenny General Hospital, pictured 
One local man who knew the suspected victim said he was talking to him last week at a festival.
'I met him at the festival in Mountcharles last Friday,' he said.
'He was just home and as far as I know he was in Donegal since he came back from Sierra Leone. He could have been back two weeks or three weeks, I'm not sure.'
The man added: 'Everyone knew him. He was great company to be along with, he was a very nice fella.'
Health chiefs have stressed that the risk of transmission of any disease is considered to be 'extremely low' but precautionary measures have been put in place.
Clampdown: Officers are pictured inspecting a boat in China that had dropped off items in Sierra Leone for fear of spreading the deadly disease that has marred the west African country
Clampdown: Officers are pictured inspecting a boat in China that had dropped off items in Sierra Leone for fear of spreading the deadly disease that has marred the west African country
Donegal Mayor John Campbell said the county was shocked but urged people not to panic.
'It is unconfirmed that it is Ebola at this stage and even if it was confirmed the chances of it being passed on to anyone else are very small so people shouldn't panic,' he said.
'It's a big shock in the area. I know the family well and our thoughts are with them.'  
Donegal TD Thomas Pringle urged people in the county not to worry until health chiefs carry out their tests.
'This is a sudden tragic death and because this man worked in Africa the HSE have to take precautions,' he said.
 'I think we should wait until the cause of death is confirmed. Given the media attention about Ebola over the last while it is important that people do not panic or worry about it until we hear from the HSE.' 

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